The A side goes to Andrew Cedermark, the former Titus Andronicus guitarist that I have been gushing about for the past few months. And guess what, the side is exactly has good as I hoped it would be! The first track is newer track, and is a departure from his regular sound. Instead of a long, lush, reverb coated pop song, we get a quick, lo-fi distorted, acoustic track that is actually quite catchy once it grows on you. The second track is the stellar “Hard Livin’”, which was taken from Cedermark’s self released box set. However the track is such a haunting, shoegaze influenced track that soars in so wonderfully that it truly captures the genius of Cedermark. I mean look at the line “So I wanted to go to a party with you/not because I like parties,/ I hate them, but I like you”, and tell me that is not one of the best lines you have ever heard. The B side is the very unknown Family Portrait. The band pulls a fake out with the first track “Super Cool”, a quick, 2 minute, slightly psychedelic acoustic jam that does represent the band at all. It’s the second track “Mega Secrets” which shows what this band can really do, that being making lo-fi- in-reverb-way pop songs that you will be secretly dancing and singing to when no one is there.
So to reiterate: this is a great, fun single that showcases how great Andrew Cedermark is, how really good Family Portrait is, and Underwater Peoples is really becoming a premier indie label. Plus the cover art is very interesting and the credits are printed on a fake pair of 3-D glasses.
I'll check out Andrew. Thanks