I thought I'd make this post to break up my posts of SXSW on Saturday and my interviews (with The Thermals and Titus Andronicus) and posts of SXSW on Sunday.(By the way, sorry for it taking so long with the posts, the picture upload takes for every). Anyway, why not talk about two up coming albums from two extremlly great bands. First, Los Campesinos! are quickly recording their second (oddly, they don't consider We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed a album) full-length album and blogging about it as well. Look on their blog right hear-http://loscampesinos.wordpress.com/.
Secondly, though slightly less offical, the Cirulatory System are FINALLY, after eight years in the making, are releasing their second album on Agust 4th. It will come out on Cloud Records on both CD and vinyl. For those of you who either a)forgot who the Cirulatory System are or b)don't know who they are (obsetting, but I will let it slide in this case) The Cirulatory Systme is the project of Will H. Cart, the key singer and one of the key song-writers of The Olivia Tremor Control, one of the Elephant 6 Collective's best bands. See the story hear-http://opticalatlas.com/
Update: Los Campesinos! have finished the first half of their recording and will finish when they get back from their U.S. tour. The Circulatory System have released the album artwork and release date of the album (8/4/09)
Los Campesinos Myspace-http://myspace.com/loscampesinos
Circulatory System Myspace-http://myspace.com/thecirculatorysystem